Sunday, December 2, 2012


Expository 10

Will require reading of an online document to prepare for the project.  (This is a Project Based Learning activity).

Read the article "Tips for Catching Fish in the Fall" by Linda and Larry Dozard

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT - The only comments posted on the blog will be clarifying questions for this project.  Reading of other student's questions and the answers I and others will offer, will help you to complete the project effectively.  Remember to put your Name/Date/Hour in the blog question.


The majority of this assignment will come to you as a hard copy document.  It will contain an Essential Question.

This is a difficult challenge and will require your small group to work together and independently to complete the task on time.  Some research will be required out of classroom time.

Read its instructions thoroughly.  The end product will be a poster that can be displayed and could affect world hunger.  As you know, we are entering a season where not many people have enough to eat.  Hard economical times are everywhere - and people must learn to help themselves and others in many situations.

Your end product will be copied/photographed and posted on a web site I have developed for this purpose - where the world will have access to it - but will not know who you are (in effect it will be anonymous).  You will use technology to create the poster - which still means that you can create artistically and transfer to a electronic media.