Monday, October 8, 2012


"The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775
     1.  Read the Text Silently (3 minutes)
     2.  Using the corresponding handout - write out the text (2 minutes)
     3.  T4 the Text (5 minutes)
     4.  Using the corresponding double-entry log - research the quote and
          how it was used. (15 - 20
     5.  Develop a Lesson Learned statement (not just a repeating of the
          quote  - nine words or less) (10 minutes)
     6.  Develop the Lesson Learned statement into a Topic Sentence (5 minutes)
     7.  Use this Topic Sentence as the first sentence of your written response below (2 minutes)
     8.  Write an expository response using the research data - that provides the quotes purpose and
           how it was used.  (Two paragraphs - each paragraph 5 - 7 sentences - single spaced)  (20 min)
     9.  Print your Name/Date/Hour at the beginning of your written response.
   10.  Copy and Paste your Expository Response from either Pages or Open Office to the text box.
   11.  Before you submit - select 'anonymous' - then submit (you may have to fill out a signature certification box)

NOTE:  If we exceed our time - the remaining work must be completed before the next class time - at home.


  1. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." What Samuel Adams meant by this quote was that if the public or the citizens ask to many questions about what authority's think they don't need to know and if it concerns public or important men don't be concerned.

  2. Courtney Knickerbocker
    “The public can not be too curious, concerning the characters of public men.” This quote was said by Samuel Adams on November 4th 1775. After re-reading the quote a few times I realized what this quote was about. You see, when it says the public can not be to curious, concerning the public men, it means that public people shouldn’t be worried about soldiers in war.
    This was also for the rights of the colonists. This was said during the time of the Revolutionary War. A couple other things I found out about Sam Adams was that he was one of the first Founding Fathers. And another thing was that he was a part of the American Revolution. So that is what I believe the curious quote means.

  3. Jordan Mick 10-14-12 TT2
    We are always wanting to know more. Especially when its not our place to know. During the Revolutionary War, many different feelings and opinions surrounded our people as a whole. Who would be there to calm everyone down? To tell everyone that the things we desire will take time to unfold.
    Samuel Adams was a famous American Patriot, and a very wise man. His quote, “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men,” has a lot of meaning to it. I think that he was trying to say that, we needed to take a step back to realize the desires of the people as a whole. What did they really want there country to be like? We shouldn’t be so eager to know what others are thinking, we should just take time to let everything that’s meant to be unravel on its own.

  4. Ally Stowell 10-15-12 mw4
    Knowing everything isn't everything. What was Samuel Adams trying to say? I think he was saying the public can't always be wondering about their leaders. If it was that important they would probably tell you.Samuel Adams was born on September 27,1722. Adams was an Americans statesman, political philosopher, and one of our founding fathers. He was not only one of our presidents he was a true American.
    He said this in the period covering the turbulent years leading up to and the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. He also said something very similar to this quote. "He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life, is or very soon will void off all his country."Samuel Adams was an American Revolutionary War leader, and Patriot; organized the Boston Tea Party.Samuel Adams was a great man and a greater American. Leading up to his death October 2,1803

  5. Abbie Wagner 10/15/12 TT4
    Mind your own business. That’s only one characteristic many people lack. Just like the British did during the Revolutionary war. They got all up in the colonists business. Curiosity killed the cat. It definitely killed the British when they lost the war to the colonists. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” ~Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775.
    Samuel Adams said that quote in a letter to James Warren in 1775. James Warren was a loyal Patriot and Samuel Adams sent him letters to update him about what’s going on with the war in Boston, MA. James Warren was in Plymouth and was a member of the Massachusetts General Court. When Samuel Adams wrote letters to James Warren he had to be careful about what he said because the British could get their hands on it somehow. The Lobsterback’s didn’t mind their own business, and it caused more secrecy between sides.

  6. seana feipel 3hour

    The intense excitement which followed the "Boston Massacre" Adams skilfully used to secure the removal of the soldiers from the town to a fort in the harbour. He it was, also, who managed the proceedings of the "Boston Tea Party," and later he was moderator of the convention of Massachusetts towns called to protest against the Boston Port Bill. One of the objects of the expedition sent by Governor Thomas Gage to Lexington and Concord on April 18-19, 1775, was the capture of Adams and John Hancock, temporarily staying in Lexington, and when Gage issued his proclamation of pardon on June 12 he excepted these two, whose offences, he said, were "of too flagitious a Nature to admit of any other Consideration than that of condign Punishment.

  7. Jacob Ford 10/16/12 MW4

    Don’t be to curious about other people. Be more curious about yourself. Samuel Adams was a American Statesman. He was also a political philosopher, one of the Founding Fathers of the USA. He got his master of arts at Harvard.

    One of his many jobs was a tax collector. Also he was a Delegate to the First Continental Congress. He was born in Boston, Mass. He was a good lieutenant of government in Boston,Mass. He died in October, 1803.

  8. Melina Mattila MW2 10-16-12

    Why shouldn't the public worry about soldiers in war? I think that this quote is saying that we shouldn't worry about the soldiers in the war. I think that we should worry about the soldiers in the war because they are fighting for us and our freedom and I think that is important. When soldiers die we are always sad even for the ones that we didn't know ,but what we do know is that they are brave enough and they are our fighter and we need to support them! I also figured out that Samuel Adams was part of the American Revolution and led the Boston Tea Party. I was looking at his other quotes and a lot of them were written to James Warren. I wondered if James was his friend in the war or not. Lots of questions filled my mind. The first thing i noticed about this quote is that he says "too curious" i don't think that there is such a thing as too curious.

  9. Kennedy Kunnert
    MW2 10/16/12

    In 1775 Samuel Adams sent a letter. This letter contained more than just words but a story and happiness. This letter had the quote “ The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” This quote to many means that “The public cannot know too much about a role model or someone who is going to do something big for you or your country,” such as the president. I also believe that this is what the quote means as well. Whether you choose to believe it or not right now many of us are using this quote right now. We are using this quote in the since that we ourselves are picking a president. We want to make sure we know everything about this guy including his personal and public life before choosing him to rule our country.
    Samuel Adams did a lot of good things in his life not only did he right this important quote/letter but he “Signed The Decoration Of Independence, He also Led the Boston Tea party, H also served as one of the members of the First Continental Congress.” ( Samuel Adams also lived a very long life and lived to be 81 years old.
    “When saying this quote he was writing a letter to James Warren talking about how the Congress agreed on the militia.” In this letter he explained in his emotion oh happiness that this was settled. I want you to think a second if samuel adams didn't this letter do you think that people would have known about the militia and how it was settled. While you think about that I have something else to question you about.
    So always remember “you never can know too much!”

  10. Winter Hatfield 10/16/12 MW2
    If people would mind their own business and not be so involved in everyone else's things would be much easier. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."- Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. I think by that he meant that everyone should stop trying to get information on the things that they do not need to know. The public is so intrested and caught up on authorities business and some things are just better untold.

    In the revolutionary war information was "trying" to be collected by the British from the colonists. It just made things worse for them. I wonder if the Colonists were collecting information from the British as well? I would say that I agree with Samuel Adams on this quote because I think information on important things should be kept from public. It is not their place to have it. When the public is curious , it makes it harder on the leaders because they have to work harder to keep it secret. If there was one leak, many things could be ruined.

  11. Rebecca Sutherland

    The people cannot focus on the other peoples personality only focus on your self and not others. I think that Samuel Adams would agree with this comment. Samuel adams was someone who steered the colonist towards freedom long before the revoluntory war ( In fact Samuel Adams lead the opposing to the stamp act in 1765 so he definitely helped to fire up the revolution (
    Samuel was not only a great leader in the prewar but he was a good politician ( This makes him a powerful speaker and a inspirational quoter, witch is why I am talking about him. Samuel adams was a tax collector and made good use with the tax codes and made aquances with the merchants which made him so good with revolution. Yet it is not the public to decide what the persons character is so focus on yourself like Samuel Adams said and not on other peoples personality.

  12. Karis Poszywak TT2

    Only worry about what you should be worrying about. If it doesn't involve you, stay out of it. It will just be there causing trouble and be back again to bite you. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." This quote relates to the Revolutionary War. The British got in too much stuff that wasn't their business and lost the war.

    Samuel Adams said this quote in a letter to James Warren in 1775. Adams was explaining information going on in the war to Warren. All of Samuel Adams' quotes were taken from letters and writings. His quotes were written anytime between 1748 and 1775. This period of time describes the years of conflict before beginning the time of and unwelcome, Revolutionary War. Samuel Adams was a patriot leader from Boston and was complicatedly involved in the before war events and the Congress that led us in to independence. James Warren was a president of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts and a general during the American Revolution.

  13. Jamie Katschor

    Expository 5

    People don’t need to know everything. That is one thing that most citizens of America have a problem of doing. People are always trying to get into other peoples business. The British acted like that in the Revolutionary War against America. They tried over powering the Americans, and they tried ruling their lives. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” ~ Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775.
    That quote was wrote to James Warren by Samuel Adams. He wanted to tell James Warren that the Colonies and Britain were having issues with each other. The British wanted to know what the Americans were doing at all times. That is one of the main reasons why the Revolutionary War happened. James Warren was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and he graduated from Harvard in 1745. Samuel Adams and James Warren trusted each other. Most people don’t trust very many people, so if you are trying to help someone and they don’t need your help, just stay out of it.

  14. expository 5
    Savannah Soronen
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the public men.” Said Samuel Adams in 1775 in a letter to James warren. What I think this quote is about is the government was too concerned with the public and the working me. Maybe they weren’t doing their job and slacking off. Or may be they were concerned that they were working to hard in the war or to many where going to the war and they where afraid they wouldn’t have anymore people left. Or they were wanting to know what people where doing with themselves so they sent out “spies” and were watching them but the people caught on and they where getting angry. There is just so many possibilities on what this quote could mean!

  15. Caitlin Lesz
    MW2 October 17, 2012

    Mind your own business! Is that not what Mr. Adams is trying to say? Curiosity killed the cat. That is why the revolutionary war happened. The British got all up in the colonists business it irritates people. After rereading the quote of “The people cannot be too curious concerning the characters of the public men.” It means that people shouldn’t have to worry about the solders in the war.
    Samuel Adams was one of the first founding fathers. Mr. Adams was born on September 22, 1722. He made that speech 53 years later. He was a American statesman, political phosphor, and he wasn’t just a President he was a TRUE american. He was an american Patriot.

  16. Rebecca Sutherland

    The people cannot focus on the other peoples personality only focus on your self and not others. I think that Samuel Adams would agree with this comment. Samuel adams was someone who steered the colonist towards freedom long before the revoluntory war ( In fact Samuel Adams lead the opposing to the stamp act in 1765 so he definitely helped to fire up the revolution (
    Samuel was not only a great leader in the prewar but he was a good politician ( This makes him a powerful speaker and a inspirational quoter, witch is why I am talking about him. Samuel adams was a tax collector and made good use with the tax codes and made friends with the merchants which made him so good with revolution. He could get the people to only give food to certain people. Yet it is not the public to decide what the persons character is so focus on yourself like Samuel Adams said and not on other peoples personality.

  17. Molly Brunner 10/17/12 TT4

    No human being will just rest on knowing nothing of the situation, we need to know what is going on. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men,” this quote was said by Samuel Adams. In this quote Samuel really means that we americans will not stop until we have the right amount of information. We need to know what is going on. We absolutely need our information even if we need to go to extremes to get it.

  18. Stephen Bagnick mw4
    The quote means that you should never be concerned about other peoples lives and you should focus on your own. Just like back with the British and Patriots the other one did not want to be watched by the other or spying on them. It could also mean that you should not be too involved in other peoples lives. But you can be a little involved but not too much. Its like celebrities and the paparazzi


  19. Donamarie Sutton

    The people which equals us, are always wanting to know more and more even though it is not concerning them at all. Samuel Adams sent a letter to James Warren on November 4th, 1775 saying “ Then public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men” which means that we the public shouldn’t be curious about business that doesn’t involve us. We need to mind our own business and not anyone else's

    Samuel Adams was also one of out founding fathers who founded America and was in the revolutionary war. Also Samuel wrote letter that are famous quotes from 1748-1775 which were about the outbreak of the Revolutionary war. So in theory we the people should not worry about a problems that does not include us.

  20. Emily Edwards MW4 10/17/12
    Everything isn’t everything. The quote by Samuel Adams is a strong one, considering he was the fourth governor of Massachusetts and one of America’s founding fathers. He was a graduate of Harvard College and concentrated mostly on politics. As one reviews this quote I truly believe that Samuel Adams was talking about the government. If he was a man that concentrated on politics, and a founding father of the free world wouldn’t it be? If you say the public, which means community, can not be to curious concerning the behavior of public men, he would have to be referring to the men in the government office and the Militia group.

    In 1775 there were many wars going on that contributed to the American Revolution. In Boston Massachusetts, Tea Party which Samuel Adams helped. The horrific Boston Massacre. Numerous things were happening. There were groups called Minutemen who only fought in an emergency. The Militia group was getting back together since the French and Indian war. The British were coming which was the Lexington and Concord war. Messages were going around which made the people believe that information, but not really know the whole situation.

  21. John Manney
    10-17-12 MW2
    Was the public to curious? "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." Samuel Adams said this in November 4, 1775 to James Warren in a letter(237 years ago!). After reading this quote I think that it meant the public were too worried about the men in the war. But they should be worried, they could have friends and family and I would be worried if I knew people in the war, I don’t blame the people.
    Samuel Adams was a was an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was born on September 27, 1722, one day before my birthday. The man who he sent the note to was James Warren. James Warren was was the President of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress and a Paymaster General of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, among other positions. He was born on September 28, 1726, the same day as my birthday, it’s pretty cool how we have something in common.

  22. Sam Pierman 10-17-12 TT4

    Expository 5

    It is better to ask then to never know. This is what I was thinking when I first read the Samuel Adams quote. Mr. Adams was born on September 27th 1722, just 54 years before the revolutionary war. Samuel was a statesmen and a patriot. A statesmen is a highly skilled, experienced, and respected political figure or leader. He attended Harvard for a couple of years until he resized that he wanted to be in politics.
    Samuel also signed the Declaration of Independence, and was 54 years old when the war started. He ties into the topic sentence really well because when your a politic, you must ask many questions. Just like in a class. If you don’t know something you ask a question. It’s important to get involved in your life and in history. All of the people who voted and acted out for our freedom, might not have known it at the time, but they were making history each and every word the said. Will you make history? It’s up to you.

  23. Ryan Chopp Mw2

    Education teaches us principles of right from wrong. Samuel Adams said, "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men", in a letter to James Warren in 1775. Samuel Adams stressed the importance of virtue, which is goodness or righteousness in government. He also encouraged education that taught good morals to help protect the publics freedom.
    I believe Samuel Adam’s quote means we as Americans need to be educated and properly informed on the people who run our government. These people are making decisions for our government which will affect us now and in our future. If we are taught good morals at an early age we will hopefully choose our public figures to have the same beliefs that we do. We can not be to curious or too informed concerning the people who run our government.

  24. Allie Hauserman, October 17th, MW2

    Knowledge isn't everything.
    That is the lesson i learned from the quote, "The public cannot be to curious concerning the characters of public men." Once said by Samuel Adams to James Warren in a letter, sent in 1775.
    We always want to know absolutely everything, from how to tie a shoe to what your friend did on Saturday without you. We will always crave knowledge even if it is not in our right to know it.
    But even if we know everything, that is not all there is to life. The british didn't mind their own business and it caused no more secrecy between Britain and the Colonies. And knowledge is definitely not everything. Even if you know everything of your enemy's plans, it will not ensure you have the advantage.

  25. Dj Degregorio MW3 10/18/12

    What does this quote mean? It means the public should not be in others business. Sam Adams was #eleven out of twelve children. And half of his siblings died before three. He was the second cousin to President John Adams. He was one of the founding fathers. One of the fifty five.

    He organized the resistance against the tea act. Which was the very beginning of the boston tea party. He founded the Sons of Liberty. Which was of patriots who were fed up with the king. He signed the Declaration of Independence

  26. Makayla Sanders 10/18/12 MW2

    Mind your own business. That’s only one characteristic many people lack. Just like the British did during the Revolutionary war. They got all up in the colonists business. Curiosity killed the cat. It definitely killed the British when they lost the war to the colonists. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” ~Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. Samuel Adams said that quote in a letter to James Warren in 1775. To tell everyone that the things we desire will take time to unfold.
    Samuel birthday was on September 27, 1775. He signed the declaration of Independent in 1776. This was said during the time of the Revolutionary War. A couple other things I found out about Sam Adams was that he was one of the first Founding Fathers. I think people should learn how to mine their own business.

  27. Faith Klein 10/18/12 mw2

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  This was written in a letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren on November 4th 1775. Sam Adams is known as “The Father of the American Revolution.” He led the Boston Tea Party, signed the Declaration of Independence, was a member of the Continental Congress, and helped draft the Articles of Confederation. Wow thats a lot. Now I see why they called Sam Adams “The Father of the American Revolution. He was also Governor of Massachusetts, and was president of the Massachusetts Senate.
    Sam Adams wrote many letters, some to the Legislature of Massachusetts, some to James Warren, and some to the the Boston Gazette. I think that the sentence means, no one can be wondering that they worry about others.

  28. Jason Muir MW2 10/18/12
    Samuel Adams sounds like he is a person that can make a difference. Like when he says quotes about it. Like when he said “It doesn’t require a majority to prevail.”
    He wrote a letter to James Warren in 1775. He wrote about how the public can be too curious.

  29. Chris Luoma 10-18-12 mw3

    Being to curious can lead to death. If a man is to curious a soldier could get angry by being questioned by another man of the public. If a soldier is trying to have a good time and he’s being inquisitive by another man the soldier might get irritated. Inquisitive is another word meaning curious. Also on this same year the american revolution.

    Another thing in this year the first steam engine was built. If you are questioned would you feel comfortable or would you want the to stop. The lobster backs didn’t mind their own business and questioned the patriots freely. Samuel Adams war a revolutionary leader at this time. So hopefully the lobster backs learn to not question freely.

  30. Jeremy Robertson

    When being to curious you can cross the line. What I think this means is that the public is to curious. If it goes to far it will be a invasion of privacy. This was written by Samuel Adams and it was in a letter to James Warren. A reason why they would be sending each other messages was because they are close friends. James Warren was born on September 28, 1726. This means that he was alive for the revolutionary war.
    “The public cannot be to curious.” I think that this means that the public is curious but if it goes to far it will be bad. “Concerning the people of public citizens.” I think that this means that if their is news about someone that everyone wants to know about it but it can be to invasive.

  31. Olivia Harvey MW4
    Mind your own business! “The public cannot be to curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams, 1775. Samuel Adams wrote this quote in a letter to James Warren. It was to update him on how the war was going. He had to be vague because if the British had gotten a hold of the letter in transit, the patriots would be in trouble.
    This relates to the Revolutionary war and the British, because if they would have minded their own business, we would not be having the war. We would be a free country. It’s important to not care so much about what others say or do because you can get into trouble.

  32. Liam McCreadie

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men". What Samuel Adams meant was that the people are too curious and concerning about people. The time that this happened was after the Boston Massacre. Which means that the British had been worrying too much about the colonists. So Adams thought the British should mind their own business and should worry about themselves.

  33. max bachmeier mw4

    “The public can not be too curious, concerning the characters of public men.” This quote was said by Samuel Adams on November 4th 1775. the public doesnt need to know everything. that is what samuel adams is trying to say. This was also for the rights of the colonists. This was said during the time of the Revolutionary War.

  34. Curious Edward Buening MW5 10-18-12

    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. Samuel believed in independence from Britain with a passion. He signed the Declaration of Independence. Adams was an excellent politician an unsuccessful brewer, and a poor businessman. He was also a tax collector. In 1765 he was elected to the Massachusetts Assembly where he served as a clerk for a while. while he was in the Massachusetts Assembly he was the first to mention the idea of the First Continental Congress.

    Later in 1789 he was elected as lieutenant governor of state. He was re-elected in 1794. John and Sam were both very influential and often agitated riots in Boston. In 1797 he retired because of health reasons. 6 years later he died in his home town Boston. Today Sam Adams is coincidently is a brewery.

  35. Andrew Cline
    MW4 10-18-12
    People always seem to want to more. Knowing everything isn't everything. I think he was saying the public can't always be wondering about their leaders. If it was that important they would probably tell you. Samuel Adams was born on September 27,1722.

    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”
    Samuel Adams said that in a letter to James Warren. Sam Adams was a very famous patriot, and a very wise man. When the revolutionary war started there was a lot of mixed feelings floating around, some where scared, some where happy, and some just didn’t know what to do.

  36. Anna Penney, 4 M-W 10-18-12


    Curiosity is a trait many people take control of, it’s not the best thing in the world. They say things like mind your own beeswax and curiosity killed the cat (what cat, I want a picture and the name of this dead cat.) to try and prevent this trait. But fact is, curiosity can’t be cured.

    “The public cannot be to curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel adams said this in his famous, “give my liberty, or give me death!” speech. Adams had signed the Declaration Of Independence. HE was born in Boston on the 27th of September. Adams was a wise man who had many lines during the time period, that helped us win the war.

  37. Amber Williams MW4 10-18-12
    At least once in your life you’ve been told to keep out of other people’s matters. Which translates to leave me alone! “ The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men,” Samuel Adams wrote this in a letter to James Warren. This quote was once said by James Burgh. James Burgh was the author of Political Disquisitions.
    James Burgh was also a british whig he was also the author of Thoughts On Education. In Samuel’s letter wrote the letter to James Warren because James was elected the new chairman of “committee of communication”. The letter was copied and passed around Boston. The letter was written to inform James Warren about the “the importance of the virtue of the government”. Samuel’s letter today is very important document.

  38. Jon Nemchak 10/18/12

    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of the public men.”used by Samuel Adams. Used in a letter to James Warren, in 1775. First used in by James Burgh.(1714 - 1775) he used it in his political Disquisitions (published in three volumes in 1774-1775). Samuel Adams was an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

    Samuel Adams worked as a Tax-collector. He was Elected to the Massachusetts Assembly in 1765.Hew as one of the Delegates to the First Continental Congress in 1774.He helped Sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776.He was a Member of Massachusetts State constitutional convention in 1781.He was Appointed Lieutenant Governor of Mass in 1789, and Elected Governor of Massachusetts from 1794-'97.

  39. Alex Lipski

    No one shall ever be concerned of the public men & women who fight for this country! For they are the ones who let us be free. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” a saying by Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775 men who are free. This saying to me came to the heart because in my opinion it means don’t worry, the soldiers are fine. It is a comforting statement.

  40. sequoia ptasnik 4th hour

    We have this day restored.. what dose he mean by that maybe he thinks the day could happen again or maybe he means they day was bad and hope ing its not gonna happen again ? .
    He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is or very soon will be void of a regard of his country. what is void?

  41. James whitlark 5 hour

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams was said in an letter in on november 4 1775. The statement was first used by James Burgh. samuel adams also said “nothing is more essential” on the topic of dignity and character. I have no more info beside that that is relevant to the fact.

  42. Sean’s Awesome Expository Writings
    Sean Maher 10-18-12 MW4
    The characters of public men cannot be too curious. The quote, “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men” means to me that you can’t ever be too curious in the concerning characters of public men. In my life, you can always make concerns for people or characters. Making a concern for someone is one of the skills that you’ll want for life. You can also make a concern with family and other friends.
    You’ll have to make a concern in your life, or crave for the concern later on. In my observation, I knew Thomas Jefferson from Social Studies last year. I always knew what destroy meant. I had always knew what curious and concerning meant also. I had warned someone before.

  43. Hunter Domen TT4 10/18/12

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." What Samuel Adams meant by this quote was that if the public or the citizens ask to many questions about what authority's think they don't need to know and if it concerns public or important men don't be concerned.

  44. Riley Alexander 10-17-12 TT4

    You should never be to curious. Because you might find some thing out you were never suppose to. That reminds me of the statement that Samuel Adams said. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” It was written in a letter to James Warren in 1775 from Samuel Adams. Since he was a tax collector you would think that he was a Tory, but no he was 100% patriot.

    The statement, "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”was first used in 1714 by James Burgh in his political disquisition. So i guess that this was a good statement that Sam Adams would use it in his letter. And Sam was born in 1722, a whole 8 years after James Burgh said it. So I think that this is a powerful quote.

  45. Brooke Hulbert TT4 10-18-12
    In 1775, from my perspective public men were loyal. Samuel Adams probably wanted to give sympathy to public men because a lot of them did allot of things for the country. Some men where in war, volunteered for things, worked in taverns, ect. So all Samuel probably wanted to do was say “hey, quit assuming, don’t be curious, public men are awesome”!
    Another way this quote could be expressed, is the complete opposite. He could mean that you can see everything that those public men are doing.They could have been sneaking around and going to the tavern for all you know! But, a bare human eye would be able to see the characteristics of public men. So, there is 2 different ways that this quote could mean. What does it mean to you?

  46. Hannah Morris 10-18-12 TT2

    What this quote "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." said by Samuel Adams in 1775 it means to me that don’t be afraid to be curious because curiosity is okay. In 1774 he was chosen to be a member of the provincial council durning the crisis in Boston. That means that they asked if he wants to be on their side.

    Samuel was a very visible popular leader. Meaning that everyone wanted him to their leader but he didn’t. “The truth is all might be free id they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.” Samuel Adams once also said. Which means that he wants freedom!

  47. Macie Toy 10-18-12 TT4

    Mind your own business when it comes to people’s private views. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men”, Samuel Adams once said in a letter to James Warren back in 1775. Samuel Adams, if you didn’t know already, is one of the Founding Fathers of our country. He was a statesman and a political philosopher. Though the statement above was used in a private letter, James Burgh, a British Whig politician, used it in his book Political Disquisitions.
    Now to the meaning of this statement- mind your own business. Yes, if you’re running for the president of the United States, sometimes your personal does come into play for voters- but really, do we need to know every single little detail about someone’s life? I surely know I have few things that I don’t want other people to know, and it annoys me when they try to ask me about it. You don’t have to know everything. Some things are better left unsaid than done. So please, mind your own business when it comes to people’s private views.

  48. Cheyanne Weber TT4 October 18
    A founding father of the united states, Samuel Adams once said “ The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” In my opinion this quote means that people should not worry about other peoples lives they should just worry about what they are doing and not judge people of who they are or what they are doing.
    Samuel Adams was a Patriot. He was a leader from Boston, he was the leader of the movement that became the American Revolution. Sam was wise and was fighting for what he believed in. He never gave up. Don’t worry about what other people are doing or judge them just worry about yourself

  49. Alais Murillo
    People think they need to know everything even when its none of there business. That can also be explained by Samuel Adams quote,” The public cannot be to curious concerning the character of public men.” By,” Public men.” I think Samuel meant the soldiers fighting in the war. This is because it was written in 1775. In 1775 the Revolutionary War was going on.
    During the war everyone wanted to know what was going on. They wanted to know where the war was, how many soldiers have dies, who was winning, and everything else. The only people who really needed to know were the soldiers and maybe there families. Samuel was trying to say that everyone should just stay in there own business and worry about themselves. Although this is just my opinion on the quote Samuel Adams could of been trying to say something else.

  50. Dolyn Meinecke TT2 10/18/12

    People always want more. They always want more then there given. That is just how some people are. People back in the revolution times wanted more but mainly they wanted to be free from the king. With them not being close to the king they wanted not to be under his rules and rights.
    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men” sir Samuel Adams once said. Samuel Adams was an american statesman. Samuel Adams related to John Adams was a big part in the separation between Britain and America. His words in the quote meant that the public can not be to curious about what is going on about the King until they are needed to be involved. It also included the red coats. They need to not be so curious either and mind their own business and be ready for a battle that was soon to come.

  51. Andrew Gilligan 10/19/12 TT2

    People should never lose sight of how public officials are doing their jobs. They should be looking to see if they are carrying out all their duties, and living up to the promises they made when taking the position they have. People should be concerned with the results or lack of results that public officials bring about.
    People should try not to focus on the individual themselves. Whether they are tall or short, big or small, what religion they practice, what sports they like, what color they are. These are personal aspects of a person, which should not come into our judgement of whether they are doing a good job or not.

  52. Fernando Sierra TT2 10-19-12
    “Curiosity is not a crime.” That is the lesson learned for Samuel Adam’s quote,”The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” This quote was first used by James burgh in 1714 to 1775, in his political disquisition.
    Samuel Adams was one of the founding fathers, he was also one of the leaders of the American Revolution. Samuel Adams wrote this quote in a letter to James Warren in 1775.

  53. Adam Sieler 10-18-12 2nd hour

    In life there are some questions that you shouldn’t ask or you might regret it. I think in the time of the revolutionary war there was a lot of those questions. John Adams being the Governor of Massachusetts he probably heard a lot of theses questions. Some people need to think before they speech.

    In this quote I think he was trying to say there is stuff that goes on every day that you don’t want to hear. John Adams was the first to purpose the first continental congress. I think this says that he deeply believed in democracy. He was a politician and a very smart guy I bet he had it all figured out in life.

  54. Anthony Patteri TT2 10/19/12

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams,letter to James Warren, 1775. This quote was a letter written to James Warren. The letters main point was to tell people to be cautious of incoming soldiers.

    Also he wrote another letter saying that our rights were guided by god. That means that our rights are guarded by someone to powerful to take down. The main point is that you don’t want enemy’s sneaking up and destroying your rights. To conclude the people entering america need to be closely monitored until proven loyal to america.

  55. Taylor Hubbard 10-19-12 TT2

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." Samuel Adams, one said what he is meaning while saying this is that people always want to learn more and people don not know everything. People of the community or public are always wondering what is going on and and they want to know everything. People always can't know everything.

    He said this all during the revolutionary war. Samuel adams was one of the first finding fathers and he also sound the declaration of independence.He was a patriot and was in the war.

  56. WE don't know everything. Us selfish Americans are always wanting to know more."The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. He said this during the revolutionary war. Samuel Adams is a Boston Patriot.
    Samuel Adams was one of the first finding fathers. He gave the colonist rights to know about the war and other stuff. I think this quote was trying to make the militia step back and make the colonist think what they were getting in to. The colonist did not step back they decided to fight for freedom.

  57. Riley O'Keefe TT2 10-19-12
    Mind your own business! Everything in life happens for a reason, and it will all work out in the long run. This is what I believe to be what Samuel Adams meant in his quote “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” - Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. At this time in U.S. history, we were just months away from gaining our independence from Britain, and the public as a whole was worried that things would not turn out. James Warren, one of Adams’ friends received a letter from Sam saying that since Warren had so many concerns, he kind of needed to take a step back and really focus on the end goal; in other words to mind his own business and everything will turn out fine!
    “Samuel Adams was an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the USA.” He was a very critical part of the founding of our nation. He had great values and morals, and was willing to do anything to see that his country become free. “Samuel Adams was born September 27th, 1722 in Boston, Mass.” - Not only did Adams play a very important role in the American Revolution, but he was also an outstanding scholar. He became a member of Harvard University in 1736, at the age of 14! This just goes to show why Samuel Adams was able to play such a big role, and could stay committed to his country, even in rough times.

  58. Allyssa Toth
    October 19th
    Curiosity killed the cat. People can not simply mind their own business. The townspeople probloy wanted to know everything that was happening in the war but it was safest for them not to know. War is a scary thing, and was believed not to be safe for women and children's ears.
    The British and Patriots were very nosey too. They sent spies and such to find out how much ammunition the other group had. Sometimes it worked but sometimes they would lie. It would be hard to start a fight with someone who had better and bigger armies then you. But the Colonists did, and I am sure glad they did.

  59. Expository # 5
    Kestner Jacob 10-19-12 TT2

    Samuel Adams first came to Wider prominence at the beginning of the
    concord. In April 18-19 1775. He wrote a letter to James Warren and the.
    And the Provincial Congress. To resolved of Massachusetts.

    James Warren was a President in 1775. On June 16 1775. James
    Warren resolved the congress. In April 18-19. on June 18 1775
    in water town massachusetts to his wife Mercy Otis warren.

  60. Expository # 5
    Mikayla Duke oct 19 2012

    “The public cannot be too curios concerning the characters of public men” samuel adams. I think what samuel Adams was saying was we care to much about ourselves that if a public man came by with bag of money he stole from a bank we would be to caught up in ourselves we wouldn't notice. We need to be more caring about the people around us or they will feel left alone in the dark. Care about who is around you.
    Care is the key.

  61. Devon Chase tt2

    “The public can not be too curious, concerning the characters of public men.” Men cant always do all the work, some times we need woman to do work too.
    One of the objects of the expedition sent by Governor Thomas Gage to Lexington and Concord on April 18-19, 1775, was the capture of Adams and John Hancock, temporarily staying in Lexington, and when Gage issued his proclamation of pardon on June 12 he excepted these two, whose offenses, he said, were "of too a nature to admit of any other Consideration than that of condign Punishment

  62. Molly Brunner TT4

    No human being will just rest on knowing nothing of the situation, we need to know what is going on. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men,” this quote was said by Samuel Adams. In this quote Samuel really means that we americans will not stop until we have the right amount of information. We need to know what is going on. We absolutely need our information even if we need to go to extremes to get it.

  63. expsitory 5

    Kyle Ruloff 10-19-12

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    This letter has meaning behind it that only sam adams know’s the true meaning behind it. Only us today can guess and infer what it means based on facts and experience. In my perspective it means almost the same as the quote don’t jude a book by its cover. If a man is dressed weird dont infer that he is a thug or a hoodlum maybe he cant afford the type of clothes that are considered normal.

  64. Rebecca Sutherland

    The people cannot focus on the other peoples personality only focus on your self and not others. I think that Samuel Adams would agree with this comment. Samuel adams was someone who steered the colonist towards freedom long before the revolutionary war ( In fact Samuel Adams lead the opposing to the stamp act in 1765 so he definitely helped to fire up the revolution ( If Great Britten had minded its own problems we would have never had the war.
    Samuel was not only a great leader in the prewar but he was a good politician ( This makes him a powerful speaker and a inspirational quoter, witch is why I am talking about him. He under stands more than just how to speak. Samuel adams was a tax collector and made good use with the tax codes and made friends with the merchants which made him so good with revolution. Yet it is not the public to decide what the persons character is so focus on yourself like Samuel Adams said and not on other peoples personality. You may lose in the long run.

  65. David Turner Expository 5 tt4

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775 Now what did samule adams mean by this. after lots of raserch and a long time scrolling through websites i think i found it.what i think he said was evrybody can mind there own businiss. The public cannot to be curious about anny one public man meaning that no a group of people (the public) does not have the right to look into someone elces personal life the right of privasy. i think that in this letter he was trying to think of something to put into the declaration and this was what he came up in conclusion this was basicly describing the right of pravicy.

  66. Jacob Albrecht TT4 5th hour

    John Adams was a natural leader. He was born into it after he was born in Quincy Massachusetts September 22 1722 not only he was born there but, john Hancock was also born there later on in life John became a students of Harvard University. Shortly after leaving the University he studied the law. He was very interested into the Law and I feel that why he is such a good leader because he knows the law. He knows the rules and studied them long enough to a point where John questioned the law. In 1773 he stated a question “whether it be lawful to resist the supreme magistrate if the commonwealth cannot be other wise preserved.”

  67. Joe Mayo
    Its what you are inside that counts not what people think of you. A very long time ago during the colonial age Samuel adams said to james warren "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.". This translates the public should not be to curious about a persons reputation because it matters what kind of person they are not the bad/good deeds they did. This quote was originally used a book called Political Disquisitions, this book was probably a long explanation of politics or at least about people in politics. Its what you are inside that counts not what people think of you

  68. Dylan Romans 4th
    I think it ment people can never be to curiouse People always wonder what is next.So i think he ment that maby people are curiouse what happend to there family members that are fighting in the war.

  69. Devin Smith TT4 10/19/12

    Only they know who they are! "the public cannot be too curious concerning the character of public men." Samuel Adams. What this quote says to me is don't judge people by what you may see them doing or have done. Someone could look like they are doing something bad, embarrassing, stupid etc. when really they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "characters of public men." That phrase i took from the quote sounds to me like the personality of a regular person.

    "Public cannot be too curious" Don't always be too curious as to what everyones doing. It is, for one kind of creepy and like spying, and two you could be worrying about someone or some people when really you have something you should be doing or have to do. This quote was written in 1775 so people then were always judging others too quick. People now still judge people too fast. Thats what i got out this quote by Samuel Adams when writing to James Warren.

  70. Hannah Kerns 10/19/12 TT4

    Why are people so noisy? They always want to know more than what they really need to know. Stay out of their business! “This public cannot be too curious concerning the characteristics of public men.” ~Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. At the time Samuel was sent to Lexington and Concord. He wrote this about 8 months after actually. Who was he talking about? What had happened? Maybe he was talking about the Lobsterbacks, or was it the colonists?

    Samuel was sending letters to James during the war. The Lobsterbacks were watching everything the colonists did. Samuel had to be careful what he said in these letters. If he wrote something it might tell too much if the Lobsterbacks saw it.

    Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722 in Boston, MA. He was 53 years old at the time. A year before he was a member of provincial council. Samuel attended the continental congress in Philadelphia. Samuel managed the Boston Tea Party. The colonists were so mad about paying taxes, they dumped 1 million dollars worth or tea into the Boston Harbor.

  71. Jack Traskos 10-18-12 TT2 Expository 5
    Every thing will happen for a reason, and there is nothing you can really do about it. The Revolutionary War was won by the Americans purely by luck. If you asked a red coat about going to war before it happened, he would most likely would say that they would win the war. And it all happened for a reason. Maybe god thought that we needed to be free.
    Men, women, and children can all try to make things happen but it all happens for a reason. People can try to make things happen and purseude things but you can not really. The war was won with pure effort and luck. The war had many die for their right to have FREEDOM!

  72. Zack Schingeck 10-19-12 MW4

    In a letter written to James Warren, Samuel Adams said, “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” What I think this means is that we always want to learn more about the soldiers and the people in war, but we should not worry about it. We also want to know what everyone else is thinking; What they want to do, and what they think is right. But it does not matter.

    The most important thing to do is to mind your own business. Try not to care what Billybob across the street wants to do and believe. Do what you think is right, and don`t let anybody change that.

  73. Sophia Almasri

    What does being a good leader mean? Samuel James knows what it means, he was a great leader. He once said “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Wise words from a wise man. Why did he say these words. I feel like he said this because when you are a leader you need to say wise things to inspire the people who are following you.

    What does his quote mean? What it means is each person has its own character and each person lacks from each character. I also believe that Samuel said this because he wanted everybody not to be curious, because curious is not the best character on people. And we should not be so interested in what other people are thinking. If they want us to know they would tell us there self.

  74. Vincent Lentini
    3rd hour

    I think of this quote of the “People in public in this world should not be too curious concerning the characters of public men”. So people should not be judged by anything or anyone. Do not judge other people just worry about yourself and no one else because when you think about it people could be talking about you right behind your very own back.

  75. Evan Anderson MW2 10-22-12

    One of our great leaders during the revolutionary war was Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams knows what it means to be a great leader. He said “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Why did he say these words? I think he said this because when you are a leader you have to say things that will motivate people to come to your side. Samuel Adams speeches motivated people and inspired people that we can be free from the ruling of Britain.

    What I think that the quote means is that each person should not be curious of other peoples characters. Each person has there own character and each person has a different one. So don’t concern yourself of other peoples character. I also think that Samuel Adams said this because he wanted everybody not to be concerning of other people. We should not be so interested in other peoples character and not to be so concerning of them.

  76. Takala Havermahl
    Wanting what we can not have is not always the best. Wanting to know more than you should might turn into a bad lesson for you, or end up hurting someone else. I think "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  means that if the public knows to much it wont be for a benefit, or it could be something someone does not want them to know. I think that the lesson is that you should not be snooping into everyones business, if its a secret they want it to be. ”The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  was said by Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, on November 4th 1775. Samuel adams is known as the father of the American revolutions.

  77. Jacob Pennywitt mw4 October 23rd

    People always seem to want to more. Knowing everything isn't everything. I think he was saying to the public you can't always be wondering about their leaders. If it was that important they would tell you. Samuel Adams was born on September 27,1722.

    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”
Samuel Adams said that in a letter to James Warren. Sam Adams was a very famous patriot, and a very wise man. When the revolutionary war started there was a lot of mixed feelings floating around, some where scared, some where happy, and some just didn’t know what to do.

  78. Gabe Grannis MW2 October 24

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men". This was said by Samuel Adams in a letter to James Warren. Adam's why's trying to say to Warren that he did not want the public to be concerned with what American patriots were doing.I think what Adams was trying to say is to just stay out of people's business.You don't have to know everything.
    Did you know that when this letter to James warren was written that Samuel Adams had just become a patriot.It was like how my brother Sam is dead he grew up in a family with all loyalist.And when the war broke out he didn't know what side to choose.In the end Samuel Adams choose to become one of the most famous patriots of all.And that's what I have learned from this quote.

  79. Natalie Cottingham TT4 10/25/12
    Expository #5

    Samuel Adams wrote a letter to James Warren in 1775. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." I think that the people of America do not need to be concerned about what the public people are doing and some things that go on should be left to be a secret because sometimes it gets out of hand or gets dangerous. The people do not always need to know the dangerous things because you don't want all the American people to be panicking.

  80. Kailee Young TT2

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." When Samuel Adams spoke this quote, it took me a minute to figure it out, but I have read it and understood it now. What i think Samuel Adams whats saying was, the people of America shouldn't be worried or curious about what the men of America do. As said Samuel Adams was a famous patriot, and was also said to be very wise. This quote may also mean that if people get to curious and learn things that their no supposed to know, and could hurt them in some way.

  81. cierra cox 10/24/12 mw4

    Everyone is curious."The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. I think this means People don’t need to know everything. This is probably a big problem that most people of America have a problem doing. Americans are always trying to get into other peoples business. This is how British acted in the Revolutionary War against America. They tried over powering the Americans, and they tried ruling their lives.That quote was wrote to James Warren because Samuel Adams wanted to tell James Warren that the Colonies and Britain were having problems with each other. British always wanted to know what the Americans were doing. This is a reason why the Revolutionary War happened.

  82. Jordan Drake 10-18-12 mw4
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of the public men” That is the quote that Samuel Adams said on the letter he wrote to James Warren in 1775. He was born in the 1722 and died 1803. This quote meant if you were to curious then you will find stuff you don’t want to find.

  83. Luke Rendell
    “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” This is the quote that Nathan Hale said on September 22, 1776. These were his last words be for he was hanged, people believe he was paraphrasing the word from Joseph Addison. To me these words mean that he would live another life for his country. He was known as America’s first spy. When the British found out he was a spy he was sentenced to be hanged.

  84. Catherine Stone
    "You can never be to nice.The public cannot be too curios concerning the characters of the public men." Samuel Adams letter to James Warren in 1775.He was a very curious man.I think that he was trying to say that you have to try to motivate people. You have to try to have something to work for.Also you have to motivate yourself and other.
    Samuel Adams was a very curious man.He was a leader in the American revolution.He wanted to tell James Warren that the british was having problems.He wrote that in his letter.He was 53.He managed the Boston tea party.He also said this because he has to push the people that were following him.

  85. Grace Kovacich
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775
    I believe that when Samuel Adams said this, he meant that people shouldn’t get too involved in important people’s personal lives because what is going on in their life doesn’t really matter. What really matters is what they do for your country, or for your club, or whatever you have. It’s like stalking your favorite celebrity. They might not want you to know every second of their life. I know that if random people started stalking me, knowing everything I do, just because they like the things I do, I wouldn’t really like that.
    I also think that what he said is true, because if you knew everything about someone, that might not affect you in a positive way. The person you know everything about could have done something wrong, and then you could get pulled into it too. Most people don’t want that. I know I wouldn’t. So don’t stalk your favorite celebrities. Curiosity killed the cat.

  86. Chris Monaster 10/29/12
    People don’t need to know everything. That is one thing that most People in America have a problem of doing. People are always trying to get into other peoples business. The British acted like that in the Revolutionary War against America. They tried over powering the Americans, and they tried ruling their lives. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” ~ Samuel Adams, This was a letter to James Warren in 1775.

  87. Garrison Thomas TT4 10/16/12

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."  Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775. James Burgh was a British Whig politician whose book Political Disquisitions set out an early case for free speech and universal suffrage and he wrote “all lawful authority, legislative, and executive originates from the people. People who are curious are not at fault, myself tends to go between being curious and being intruding. But the “public” of 1775 was all wondering on what was going to happen next, but by this time the Boston massacre, the Boston tea party, and the battle of Lexington and Concord had happened and things were getting heated up between the Americans and the British. This first battle of Lexington was not just any riot or protest this was the beginning of one war that many people thought could not be won. So just think when Samuel Adams wrote this after many of these things as an influence.

  88. Kylie Taft/10/29/12/MW4
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams, was a politician, born September, 1722. He wrote this letter to James Warren, that included this quote. It was written towards the beginning of the Revolutionary War. So as you can guess, it contained information concerning the war and how they needed their independence to protect their rights. At the time the British were dropping several taxes on them. This quote, meaning, watching the people you give power to is essential. The people watching them, make sure that the power isn’t misused. They make sure that they make fair decisions, like passing laws that are fair to everyone.

  89. Elizabeth Chapman 10/29/12 TT2
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adam. I believe Sam had said this because back in the day during 1775, the women didn't have right and that not all men were that important. I believe that he said this to have everyone treat everyone equal. This quote was in a letter that was sent to James Warren. It had been written in the beginning on Revolutionary War, and that all men would be treated the same even if they are in the war. But you can't just throw all the power to someone and say that their in charge. You have to constantly watch them and see if they are worthy enough. So you have to make sure that the power doesn't go to waste. It has to be used very carefully.

  90. Liam Hall



    What Sam Adams was trying to say was that one should not be sticking their noses in other people's business, that we as humans will never know everything. When he said: "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." it wasn't a compliment . It basically says that the public just can't keep it's nose out of others private things.

  91. Kyle O'Donohue TT2

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men." Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775 I think Samuel Adams was trying to say that you do not need to worry about others you need to worry about yourself. Where he said this it was the time of the Boston Massacre and the British were caring to much about what the colonist did.

    Samuel Adams was the leader of the Revolutionary War and he said this to get his soldiers motivated for the war. He also tried to persuade others to join and fight for there freedom which they ended up getting.

  92. Lydia Wohlfeil 10-30-12 5th E5
    Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722 and died October 2, 1803. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams wrote this in a letter to James Warren on November 4, 1775. Samuel was a statesman, political philosopher, and he was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Samuel Adam’s quotes were called The Rights of the Colonists.

  93. Aaron Jarema 10-30-12

    The main reason for this quote is to tell people about there rights to there privacy. I think that this means you should be able to decide wether of not people can tell others about what you are doing over the weekend of what restaurant you are going to. Also I think that people should mind there own business and should not be concerned about what other people are doing.

    I think that the number one example for this is the pauperize. I don’t think that they should be able to follow famous people around. They should not be-able to take pictures of them and if they do they should not be out of context. And thats what I think about Samuel Atoms litter to Jams Warrens.

  94. Garrett Rosebush Mw2 10 29 12

    Samuel James knows what it means to be a leader, he was a leader himself. He said “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” how come Samuel James made this quote? I think he said this because he was a man of wisdom.

    what did he mean by this? each person has there own self to be and each person lacks from each characteristic that is not them. I also believe that Samuel said this because he wanted people to be knowing and not curious , because curious is not the best character on people. And we should not care what people think of us we should be the kind of people that can be our selves around other people.

  95. Grace Kovacich
    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775
    I believe that when Samuel Adams said this, he meant that people shouldn’t get too involved in important people’s personal lives because what is going on in their life doesn’t really matter. What really matters is what they do for your country, or for your club, or whatever you have. It’s like stalking your favorite celebrity. They might not want you to know every second of their life. I know that if random people started stalking me, knowing everything I do, just because they like the things I do, I wouldn’t really like that.
    I also think that what he said is true, because if you knew everything about someone, that might not affect you in a positive way. The person you know everything about could have done something wrong, and then you could get pulled into it too. Most people don’t want that. I know I wouldn’t. So don’t stalk your favorite celebrities.

  96. Brett Godmer 10/31/12 TT4
    You can't be too careful, this is what Samuel adams was trying to say when he said “The public cannot be too curious concerning characters of public men”. He wrote this when talking in the Mass. General court room. He later became the president of the Mass. Congress.
    Samuel Adams became very important very fast I assume this was because of his willingness to fight for the country. In Mass. The center of the Revolution, he was an important part of the contry growing. He contributed to the new government and the congress. You can't be too careful.

  97. Sarah Henneman 11/1/12

    “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams said in 1775 in a letter to James Warren.I think this quote is saying that people dont need to know or fret over pubic men or men of high stature, or they may get in trouble because there messing with peoples personal life. Its there business it should stay that way.

  98. Jacquie Kolnitys 11/09/12 MW2
    Can’t people just mind their own business obviously not. During the Revolutionary war there were spies for the British and the patriots. Those spies helped both sides find out what there plan of attack was or what there weak spot was. The villages probably wanted to know about the war to but some kept there noses out of it just like in the book “My Brother Sam is Dead”, Tim’s mom said the war wasn’t apart of her anymore and she best be moving on cause the war took he son and her husband. Focus on the little things not the big. If your house was on fire and you had 60 seconds to take one thing out what would you take? A lot of people say they would take the t.v., or the computer. No, you see to focused on the big things, I would take my mom, or my dad or even the dog. Just worry about the good things in your life and be happy don’t worry about other peoples life and what things you don’t have and they do. “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characteristics of public men.” Samuel Adams.
